In Kilted Company

A Story of Part-Time Soldiering

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Non-fiction. At 228 pages this book traces the history of an Australian Army Reserve unit.  Formed in the 1950s the work follows the many triumphs, challenges, of "A Company the South- East Company", and records many of the colorful characters who have served within the Company's ranks.  The book includes a Bibliography, an Index, and some early nominal roles of Company members.    

Praise for this book

This book is the story of A Company, the South East Company in South Australia covering the period from the 1950s to the year 2000. However it has much broader appeal than just those men and women who served in the company at some time during the period. Change the names, the places and the anecdotes and this could be the unofficial history of any unit in the Australian Army Reserve. The author has managed to capture the spirit of the Australian digger with an anthology of stories, many of which are told in the sometimes colourful language of the soldier. It covers the good times as well as the difficult periods in the long and justifiably proud history of A Company and accurately records the changing fortunes of the Army Reserve over the subject period.